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После того как в 1998 году состоялся первый релиз “Baldur's Gate”, и игра привлекла большое количество геймеров со всего мира, она получила множество наград. С того момента эта сага была наполнена большим количеством тайн и загадок, раскрытих преступлений и увлекательных приключений, которые установили единые стандарты для всех ролевых видеоигр.

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Старые игры (PC) » Скачать торрент Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn / Baldur's Торрент можно скачать, нажав синюю кнопку ниже.

An iron shortage of unknown origin threatens to plunge the city of Baldur's Gate into conflict with Amn. Meanwhile, there is something else at work, far more.

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“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you...” Kidnapped. Imprisoned. Tortured. The wizard Irenicus holds you captive in his stronghold, attempting to strip you of the powers that are your birthright. Can you resist the evil within you, forge a legend of heroic proportions, and ultimately destroy the dark essence that haunts your dreams? Or will you embrace your monstrous nature, carve a swath of destruction across the realms, and ascend to godhood as the new Lord of Murder? Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition includes the original Shadows of Amn campaign, as well as the following expansions: * Throne of Bhaal: Travel to Tethyr in this thrilling conclusion to the Bhaalspawn saga, and delve into the treasure-filled halls of Watcher’s Keep! * Fist of the Fallen: Help the Sun Soul Monk Rasaad find peace in his quest for vengeance, and determine the fate of a heretical sect. * The Black Pits II: Gladiators of Thay: Explore the tactical depth of high-level Dungeons & Dragons combat. Turn your captors against each other while you dodge traps and battle for your life against Demi-Liches, Mind Flayers, and the legendary Githyanki. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition also offers the following premium content available for purchase: * A Price Paid in Blood: Join the Blackguard Dorn in carving a swath of destruction across the Realms, as he struggles to appease the increasingly bloody demands of his dark patron. * A Voice in the Dark: Recruit the mysterious Thief Hexxat and take up her mission of retrieving long-lost artifacts from tombs as far away as Zakhara. * In Defense of the Wild: Protect the innocent and stand with Neera the Wild Mage against a ruthless school of Red Wizards. Note: All translations are text only. Voice-overs are played in English. Что нового в версии 1.3 If a player's access to DLC becomes limited after installing the new patch, please select one of the three main game modes, then "Purchase Content", and then "Restore Purchase". This free update adds support for iPhone, over 500 bug fixes, improved pathfinding, and stabilized multiplayer support. It also features a host of improvements and gameplay enhancements, including text translations for German and Spanish and an in-game option to change the size of the game’s fonts. For a detailed and comprehensive list of the new features and fixes, visit forum.baldursgate.com/categories/news.

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Baldur's Gate II:EE

Baldurs Gate : The Original Saga. этой игры (на 5 дисках), куда кстати входил плакат с картой мира (который можно скачать тут же в формате pdf).

Скачать Baldurs Gate Enhanced Edition [Полная версия] 1.3 на андроид бесплатно и без регистрации - Андроид версия легендарной.